I am Parva Gurav

Name: Parva Gurav

Profile: Data Scientist

Email: parvagurav@gmail.com

Phone: +91 971-416-9651


Python 85%
Machine Learning 50%
Deep Learning 50%
Visual Analysis 90%
About me

I'm a 4th year Computer Science student from R.N.G Patel Institute of Technology and an enthusistci Developer to learn and explore techs.

Being found in exploring things related Data Science I've also published an article on "Introduction to Cloud Computing" which also fasinates me to learn.

Apart from coding and academic stuffs..... I also like to explore new dishes and beverages which always excites me to have it.

Work Intrests

Different fields that are explored.

Data Science

Data science is the field of study that combines domain expertise, programming skills, and knowledge of mathematics and statistics to extract meaningful insights from data.

Data Analysis and Visulization

Data Analysis is the process of bringing order and structure to collected data. It turns data into information teams can use. Data visualization is the process of putting data into a chart, graph, or other visual format that helps inform analysis and interpretation.


Data analysis is a process of inspecting, cleansing, transforming, and modeling data with the goal of discovering useful information, informing conclusions, and supporting decision-making.

Web Design

Web development is the work involved in developing a Web site for the Internet (World Wide Web) or an intranet (a private network). Web development can range from developing a simple single static page of plain text to complex web applications, electronic businesses, and social network services.

Problem Solving

Problem solving consists of using generic or ad hoc methods in an orderly manner to find solutions to problems. Some of the problem-solving techniques developed and used in philosophy, artificial intelligence, computer science, engineering, mathematics, medicine and societies in general are related to mental problem-solving techniques studied in psychology and cognitive sciences.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is the component of marketing that utilizes internet and online based digital technologies such as desktop computers, mobile phones and other digital media and platforms to promote products and services



TOTAL Field explored


Projects & Work

All data science and web related projects.

Heart Attack Analysis

Data Analysis

Image Classification

CNN Deep Learning


Cryptography and Network Security